In this article, we'll be going over the different requirements for Minecraft courses between providers. This will include whether or not you'll need to purchase Minecraft, what other supplemental software you'll need to run the courses, and any limitations you might run into.


Some providers will require you to purchase a retail version of Minecraft to use the course, others do not. Our main offerings are from CodaKid and Code Kingdoms, but we also offer content from Junior Engineers. Here's the breakdown by provider:

CodaKid - No (unless you want to play multiplayer, then yes) 

For CodaKid Minecraft courses, everything you need is included in our installer. You won't have to purchase a retail version of Minecraft to test and play your Minecraft mods in Single Player mode. The Installer also includes the Eclipse IDE tool that students will use for text editing, so you don't need to buy that either. 


However, if your student(s) want to send their mods to friends or play multiplayer on servers, you will need to buy a retail version of Minecraft for PC or Mac. All courses also require the use of the Eclipse IDE tool.

Code Kingdoms - Yes 

Code Kingdoms requires a retail version of Minecraft to use their courses. The tradeoff is that you won't need to install any other software to use their courses. As you will be buying Minecraft, you'll also freely have access to multiplayer. 

Junior Engineers - Yes 

Like Code Kingdoms, you'll need to purchase a retail version of Minecraft to use these courses. There is no additional software needed either. Additionally, Minecraft Education courses will need an EDU email account registered to an education institute.