Welcome to Brite. This article is here to help you get started when you first join us. 

We have step-by-step videos and in-depth explanations to help you fully understand and utilize our platform. 

Log In/Changing Password

The first thing you'll want to do is log in with the credentials we've provided you. 

After logging in, you may want to change your password to something more to your liking. You can do this by going to "Profile Settings", entering your new password, re-typing it to confirm, then pressing save.

If you forget your password in the future, we can reset it for you. Contact us and we'll be happy to help.

Changing Your Avatar 

The next step in your onboarding experience is to change your Avatar. You can change this in "Profile Settings" as well.

If you included Avatar files for upload in your onboarding form, they should be available for you to select. If you want to add more avatars, you can send us the avatars in SVG or PNG format. Alternatively, upload them to your WordPress media, or use a site like Imgur, and send us a link. 

Add Staff Members 

You can now begin adding staff members. Below is a video that will walk you through the process of adding new staff accounts.

A quick overview of all staff roles: 

Admin - Has full access to all of your schools, curriculum, and content.

Teacher - Only has access to student-related resources such as course enrollment and progression, rewards, comments, etc. 

Campus - Only has access to the Active Student Sessions Dashboard. The idea behind this role is to use it as an active session monitor. This can be achieved by logging into a campus account, then displaying the campus account onto a large TV or display. This allows you to actively monitor student sessions in real-time. 

Check-in - While not currently in use, this will be utilized to allow Parents to check their students in and out of schools. This feature is currently in development and we plan to implement it soon. 

Build Your Curriculum 

Moving on, we can now focus on building your curriculum. You can create new Ranks and add Courses/Projects to those ranks by following this video:

Ranks, Courses, and Projects

Ranks are a way of dividing your curriculum by difficulty. They offer a clear course of progression for your teachers and students.

Ranks can contain up to 6 courses. Each course can contain up to 6 projects. When all the projects in a course are complete, that course is considered completed. Complete all courses to complete a rank. 

If you want to change an existing Rank's projects or the number of courses, here's how:

Adding Projects

When adding new projects, you can choose from a list. This list features projects from all of our content providers and is regularly updated. 

To add project(s) from this list, search for the project(s) that you want, check the box beside the name, then click the purple "Add" button. 

Our full catalog of courses can be viewed at this link.

Finally, you can also customize each Rank's Name and Icon:

Icon URLs

To change the Rank Icon, you'll need a new Icon URL. This URL should be a link to where the image of the icon is hosted. You can upload and host images either on your own WordPress or through a site like Imgur. For example i.imgur.com/rpAdFh5.jpg 

Assigning/Unassigning Content

You can lock and unlock Ranks and Courses by assigning or unassigning content to a Student. This is a way to make sure that your students follow the curriculum progression. It ensures they focus on the projects and courses they need to, and keeps them from getting ahead of themselves.

You can keep harder Ranks and Courses locked until a student has completed their current Course or Rank. This is how you can do it: (captions need to be re-done, will finish next week)

Only the Ranks that have content assigned will be unlocked. If you unassign all content from a Rank, it will lock it.

Test Account

What is a Test Account?

A test account is an account that allows staff, primarily teachers, to log in as a student and view curriculum content and lessons.

Test accounts are to be used by teachers to familiarize themselves with the content they will be teaching. The use of a test account is necessary because Teacher and Admin accounts do not have access to student content. 

Test accounts are NOT to be used by real students. Up to 5 users can use most test accounts at the same time.

Are Test Accounts Free? 

Test account pricing will vary between different content providers. Often, test accounts are provided for free, but some providers do charge.

The following content providers offer a free test account:

Zenva Academy



Junior Engineers 

Up to 5 users can use each account at the same time.

The following provider(s) charge per test account:

CodeCombat - up to 5 users at the same time

Code Kingdoms - only 1 user at a time per account

How to use a test account to access educational content: (also up for recaptioning)

Registering Family/Students

Once your curriculum is finished, you can start registering your students and their parents. Students and parents are registered together as a family. To register a new family, follow this video.

Each family can have either one or both parents registered, as well as multiple students. If you want to edit information for any existing families, add more Students, or add another parent to a family, here's how: 

For families who are not currently enrolled or using your curriculum, you can deactivate their accounts so that they cannot log in. Once their account(s) are deactivated, they won't have access to content. 

Deactivating accounts is done to make sure that inactive customers can't access content and incur license usage. You don't want to be paying for a content license for a customer that isn't currently enrolled.

Accounts can be reactivated at any time in the future. You can deactivate a whole family, individual parents, or individual students from a family.

To deactivate or reactivate existing families, here's how:

When reactivating a family, you'll also have to reactivate individual Parents and Students.

To deactivate or reactivate existing students and parents, here's how: 

Changing Parent/Student Account Log In

There will be times when you will need to change the email or username of a Parent or Student account. 

Since Admins can only change the password from their dashboard, and not the email, you will have to log into the relevant Parent/Student account and change the email and/or username from their profile settings.

To change login info for a Parent account, here's how:

To change login info for a Student account, here's how: 

And that should cover everything you need to know to get started!